Water & you
Discover the powerof water with quantum energy
Imagine waking up in the morning and reaching for a glass of water. But instead of an ordinary glass of tap water, you are holding something very special in your hand: water that not only quenches your thirst, but invigorates and revitalizes your entire body. Water that you enjoy drinking because it makes you feel mentally clearer, increases your awareness and gives your entire body an incredible energy boost for the day ahead.
With LuminoSana we have not only dreamed this vision, but made it a reality. We don't just use water, we transform it - through the groundbreaking power of quantum energy and carefully selected frequencies. Feel it for yourself and experience how every cell in your body is nourished and your well-being is renewed from the ground up.

Waterthe essence in living cells
Water is the basis of all life and plays a crucial role in our health and well-being. You probably already know that your body is made up of 60-70% water by volume. However, if you count the individual molecules, you get a proportion of around 99% water molecules. Pretty impressive, right?
You may also know that water stores information and can absorb both positive and negative energies and frequencies. But have you ever thought about how much the quality of the water you drink every day can affect your health?
Possible negative effects of contaminated water
Reduced cell hydration
Unstructured water, such as that found in tap water, can be absorbed less efficiently by the cells, which can lead to dehydration at the cellular level.
Poor nutrient utilization
Disturbances in water structure can impair the body's ability to transport and absorb nutrients effectively.
Accumulation of toxins
When water carries negative frequencies, it can encourage the accumulation of toxins in the body rather than eliminating them.
Energetic stress
Negatively charged water can disrupt the body's energetic balance and contribute to fatigue and stress.
in every dropwith structured water
At LuminoSana, we are passionate about revitalizing and energetically purifying water. Our technology aims to enhance the unique properties of structured water to promote well-being and vitality.
By charging it with pure quantum energy and applying special frequencies, the water is structured in such a way that its molecular arrangement is optimized and it can absorb and store positive energies more effectively.

The benefits of structured waterare numerous
cell hydration
It can help your body detoxify and cleanse.
Improved nutrient utilization
Nutrient absorption and hydration can be improved.
Reduction of toxins
It can strengthen your immune system.
Renewed energy
It can help boost your energy levels.

Ready to get started?Dive into the World of Energized Water with LuminoSana
Water is not just water. The structures are often very different, making it harder for our bodies to absorb nutrients, stay vital, and feel well.
Our innovative products structure every water effectively and powerfully, giving it a proven hexagonal structure. This structure allows the water to carry more oxygen and nutrients and can penetrate your cells more efficiently.
Experience how energized water contributes daily to promoting your holistic health, optimizing nutrient absorption, and supporting your body’s natural detoxification.
5D-WaterEnergy to drink
With our physical, quantum-entangled water bottle, the water it contains is reset to its original, clear vibration to restore a hexagonal structure.
Possible negative vibrations and frequencies, such as those from medications, are neutralized, noticeably refining the taste. By merging 84 frequencies of essential vitamins and minerals and enriching it with the knowledge of world-famous springs, you will experience a uniquely fresh and pure drinking experience.
The difference is not only noticeable in taste but also verifiable through the Q-drop method.
Discover our 5D water bottle today!

Genius PlusFor your water bottle
Through the virtual quantum entanglement of your own water bottle, our Genius Plus Service opens new dimensions for your daily water intake.
This service for your own water bottle is not only a pioneer for a more energetically enriched life but also allows you, thanks to the revolutionary fingertip function, to decide for the first time how strongly your water should be enriched with quantum energy.
The energetic properties of your water can be adjusted with a simple touch, enabling you to individually influence the energy output – a true sensation!
Discover Genius Plus for your water bottle today!
Try it yourself! 7 days free energization for your water bottle
Would you like to experience how our quantum technology feels and how it can improve your water and well-being? We invite you to test our Genius Plus Service for your water bottle free for 7 days. This service allows you to directly experience the positive effects of structured and energized water – conveniently with your own water bottle.
Dive deeper
Discover exciting stories and inspirations from the world of water on our blog.
Some sample text
Discover exciting stories and inspirations from the world of water on our blog.
Discoverour other theme worlds
The magic of theLuminoSana Cube
With the LuminoSana Cube, you can transform all your favorite objects into powerful energy sources from the comfort of your own home.

Experiences of our Users
"Experimenting with water has always been my passion. Swiss water is supposed to be very good, but there are so many differences. Old pipes, standing water in the pipe, etc. I used the bottle to energize any water and make it noticeably more drinkable. Softer, without any off-taste. I gave the cat (18 years old with kidney disease) the choice of which bowl she would like to drink. The energized one was always empty first. So it can also be seen in animals. I specifically used a new bottle to always distinguish it from others. Thank you for the great test!"
"I consider myself lucky to have had the chance to take part in the water bottle test. For legitimate reasons, I don't trust tap water and buy distilled water. The Genius water bottle test was the perfect opportunity to experience the taste of distilled water compared to 5D water. Simply put, to me the 5D water tastes much better. The quantum entangled water is smooth and actually tastes pure, with the feeling that there is nothing other than water. I know this is a subjective opinion. I drink more and my plant responds positively to this water as well. Thank you for developing this product."
"Now that my drinking bottle has been no longer energized for more than a week, I would like to quickly experience the beneficial healing effect of quantum energized water again. The taste alone is significantly more pleasant than normal water, so it's easier to drink more and the effect is very healing for the whole body. I also used the energized water for my cats and plants and think it was good for them, too. I decided to upgrade my drinking bottle with quantum energy as soon as possible. Thank you for this wonderful service."