
9 morning routines of top performers and how to boost them with Quantum Biohacking

11 Jan 2022
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9 morning routines of top performers and how to boost them with Quantum Biohacking

The morning routines of successful people have one thing in common: They use the precious time in the morning to optimally attune their body, mind, and energy for the day. What does your morning routine look like? Here are 9 proven morning routines of top performers - and how you can make them even more effective with the insights of Quantum Biohacking. Which ones are you already living, and which points will you integrate next?

1. Meditation and breathing exercises

Many successful people swear by a morning meditation practice to clear their thoughts and reduce stress. With Quantum Biohacking, you can enhance the effect by carrying objects that you have previously entangled with the Cube or the Genius service during meditation.

2. Gratitude journal

Focusing on the positive things in life in the morning releases powerful energies. For example, write down three things you're currently grateful for and visualize how the frequency of gratitude spreads in every cell. You could accompany the internalization of the frequency with a few sips of water from your quantum-entangled bottle (you can find a free 7-day trial here).

3. Visualization

Top performers use the power of visualization to achieve their goals. Imagine quantum energy flowing through your body (perhaps again with support from charged water). Visualize how each mental image supports you on the path to success.

To do this, specifically activate frequency add-ons such as motivation, clarity, and perseverance. You can also write your wish, dream, or vision on a piece of paper (in present tense, as if it's already reality) and place the paper in the Cube. This gives your currently imagined future reality an energetic boost.

4. Exercise

Whether yoga, running, or HIIT - morning exercise gets your circulation going and wakes you up. Sports clothes charged with the Cube, a quantum bracelet, or quantum-entangled sports shoes (you can find a free 7-day trial here) can positively complement your well-being and performance.

5. Cold showers

Inhale, exhale, and under the refreshing water! Cold water is perceived by many as invigorating, can stimulate metabolism, and thus strengthen the immune system.

Combine the cold shower with a brush that has been swiped through the Cube beforehand and is therefore entangled for additional energization of the skin. Or swipe the shower head through the Cube and charge it with vitamin and mineral frequencies. Many of our users, especially sensitive people, feel a difference when showering. They reported to us that the water feels like liquid gold.

6. Healthy breakfast

A balanced first meal provides the necessary nutrients for an energetic start. Enrich your breakfast with quantum frequencies such as vitality and concentration by placing the ingredients in the Cube beforehand. You could also entangle your refrigerator with quantum energy. Additionally, you could carry the "84" version of our LuminoSana Cards to enrich your body with the 84 most important vitamins, minerals and elements it needs for optimal functioning.

7. Planning and priorities

Top performers use the morning to plan the day and set priorities. Create your to-do list with an entangled pen to let quantum energy flow into your plans. This way, you'll stay more focused and productive throughout the day. Your actions can get even more drive if you carry your list with you during the day and cross off the points after completion.

8. Time in nature

Many people recharge their energy in the fresh air. If possible, take a short walk or ride a bike in the green and allow the frequencies of nature to ground and charge you. Perhaps you're wearing quantum-entangled shoes on your feet and, depending on the weather, your favorite jacket charged with quantum energy?

9. Family time

Those who spend time with their loved ones start the day with a smile. Place photos of your family in the Cube to energetically strengthen and synchronize your connection when you're spatially separated.

You could also integrate your family into your morning routine by getting up a little earlier to have breakfast together and spend more time together (see tip 6). Getting up earlier is easier when your sleep is enriched with a quantum-entangled pillow and the Lullaby add-on.

It's important that you find the morning routine that works for you and your lifestyle. Experiment with different quantum biohacks and feel what boosts your energy and performance the most. Implement one tip at a time, not all together. Give yourself and your body time to integrate all new energies and performance-enhancing habits.

With the right combination of proven morning rituals and the powerful LuminoSana technology, you can unleash your potential in the first hours of the day - and thus make every day your masterpiece. The world out there is just waiting for you to give your best. So from now on, start every morning as your most energized, focused, and inspired self - with the morning routines of quantum hackers.

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